Sometimes sleep eludes us. Maybe our brains won’t shut off, or we find ourselves tossing and turning all night, unable to get comfortable. Whatever the reason for your lack of…
Photo by Mystic Mamma You cannot get healthy by “trying to be healthy”, continuously bantering yourself that you “should eat better”, reading articles and looking at healthy recipes and getting…
Photo by Monika Hoyt The main theme for March is “SURRENDER” with subthemes of TRUTH and TRUST. SURRENDER is a word that tends to trigger a definition of failure as if…
A Sufi poem written in 1317, says the human heart is the spiritual organ or the interface between the body and the “other world.”(1) The poem says it is through…
Today I have a Pumpkin Smoothie Bowl recipe that offers you a wonderful option for anytime of year. It’s rich, sweet, creamy, and satisfying. Enjoy this Pumpkin Bowl for breakfast,…
What could be better for your heart than living the sweet life? Not much. Studies show that a happy person with a positive attitude and a rich, rewarding life will…
I get a lot of emails and facebook questions about the healthiest options for drinking water and best water filters. To be honest, this is something I’ve been researching in depth…
The EVE Project Earthship in Taos (photo by Sarah Richter / Flickr) It’s perhaps not surprising that a structure called “Earthship” has been around since the ’70s—and that, like similarly vintaged…
Journey into the rich practice of Embodied Flow™ Yoga with Mei Lai Swan. 7 days of exploration, full body-soul nourishment, and the opportunity for deep rest in the beautiful surrounds of…
The traditional 9–5 workday is poorly structured for high productivity. Perhaps when most work was physical labor, but not in the knowledge working world we now live in. Although this…