These are 10 of the Most Productive Vegetables to Grow in Pots

by Nanci

Successfully cultivating dinner-table vegetables in containers is always possible, but there are some that are ‘superstars’ in pots, since they grow easily and produce heavily in there.

Moreover, the productivity of a small-room garden improves a lot when you use its vertical space. Using trellises to provide support to trailing plants and vines is always of great help!

These are 10 of the most productive vegetables to grow in pots:

1. Cucumbers


Cucumbers are called ‘heavy feeders’ and require regular watering routine as well. You can grow them in a medium-to-large sized pot (depending on the cucumber variety) placed in full sun. In this easy way, you can have your own homegrown crunchy cucumbers within just a few months.

2. Beans


Beanstalks are natural climbers (or bushier type), so they grow upward with very little support. They are also very productive when grown in pots.
You can start them on a trellis near a wall, or balcony space. Watch how within weeks you will get a ‘green wall’ of beans busily spreading across the trellis!

For growing beans you need a sunny place, and a pot that is minimum 12 inches deep (the bigger, the better, is the rule of the thumb) and a structure-like trellis for support.
Beans simply “fix” the nitrogen, so most of the vegetables that require more nitrogen are good to grow beneath them. If your beans are in a very sizable pot, you can grow kale, summer savory, or celery along with them.

3. Lettuces


Since lettuces grow up very quickly, you will have the chance to harvest them time after time throughout the growing season. As lettuce is a cold season crop, you will have to decide on the right time to start it for your weather conditions. But, usually, seeds are started in spring time. And if you live in a warm climate, grow lettuces in winter.

For growing lettuces, choose a wide planter [rather than deep (6″ deep is enough)]. When planting it, leave space of at least 4 inches between each plant.

Note: Leaf lettuces can be grown more closely than head lettuces. Use well-draining soil for planting, and do shallow and frequent watering to always keep the soil slightly moist.

4. Chilies and peppers


Chilies and peppers are super-productive, excellent ‘candidates’ for growing in pots. They also look great in pots.

They need a sunny and warm place to thrive. If you keep the container in a sunny spot, and provide the right soil and fertilizer, it will fruit richly. A large pot, at least 12 inches deep, is optimal for peppers.

5. Radishes

potRadishes are one of the quickest-to-grow veggies, and are very suitable for container vegetable gardening. You can grow them in both small and wide pots.

A planter that is just 6 inches deep is enough for radishes, but if you are keen on larger varieties, you should use an 8-10 inches-deep pot.

Note: Allow 3 inches of space between each plant.

6. Asian greens


Asian greens are great crops to grow in garden pots as they grow pretty fast and, unlike other plants, they don’t suck up a lot of sun. You can grow them in a shady spot that receives only 3-4 hours of morning sun.

In order to thrive, provide them with plenty of moisture and organic fertilizer.

7. Spinach


The spinach is simply ‘invented’ for containers. It develops well in partial shade, and in any kind of space. Growing spinach in containers is so easy that you can even grow it indoors on your kitchen windowsill!

For growing your spinach leaves in pots, choose a pot that is least 6-8 inches deep. You don’t need a very deep pot – only a wide one.

8. Peas


Peas are veggies that need moderate conditions. They are a perfect crop for container gardening, and don’t require a very large pot. They grow quickly without a lot of attention. You can even grow peas on your balcony, instead of growing decorative fruitless plants.

Note: For the purpose, choose a dwarf or bushier type varieties, and do regular and frequent watering as peas like slightly moist soil. Keep the plants in a spot with full sunny periods to partial ones (especially in warm climates).

9. Carrots


Carrots do their best in cool weather. These nutritive veggies need regular watering – otherwise the roots go dry and easily crack! Growing this plant in containers is easy, and it doesn’t take much space either.

10. Tomatoes


Tomatoes, without any doubt, are the most productive fruits you can ever grow in pots! Tomatoes need ample sun (5-6 hours daily as a minimum). The pot size for them depends on the type of tomatoes you are going to grow.

Note: In containers, growing dwarf varieties of the chosen type is best. You can also try cherry tomatoes for much higher yield and much better use in your dishes.

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